STOP THINKING - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.

Stop Thinking

“How can you think and hit at the same time?”

-Yogi Berra

There is a time for thinking, but not when you’re shooting! When you are analyzing the table, your mind is your best friend. However, when you are shooting, thinking only gets in the way. Shooting is about letting the body do its thing without interference.

Decide on the shot and create a clear visualization of it. Then get down and do it. Once your hand hits the cloth, your body should take over.

Some players use a gesture like placing the chalk on the rail to mark the transition between the thinking process and the shooting process.

The body needs rhythm and flow. Can you imagine a baby caterpillar asking, “Which leg do I move first?” The dad is likely to say, “I don’t know son. Just start moving.”

Of course, it is important to develop good stroke mechanics and practice shots until you

have consistent results. Use your visual feedback like a compass, constantly adjusting. However, when you are playing, give your brain a rest. By the time you get into your stance, there’s nothing left but to trust your stroke.

You can’t think your way into the zone. It’s all feel.