Congestion - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, Author of "Build Your Game"

Viking Cue's Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, author of "Build Your Game"


“…view the balls, from different angles before deciding what shot to make.” Ewa Mataya Laurance.

The Statue of David is Michelangelo’s most famous sculpture. You can see it in a photograph, but to experience it,you have to view it from every angle. The lighting changes and the proportions look different.

Pool tables are not so artistic,but they’re multi–dimensional,and to see the whole picture it’s necessary to walk around.

When the table is congested, viewing it from different angles is particularly helpful. Shots that appear blocked from one angle have a clear path to the pocket from another. Routes you thought were impossible become possibilities.

Viewing the table from the cue ball’s position is valuable, but limiting. Walk around to see if there are any easy combos or caroms. You don’t want to miss the one shot that could open up the whole rack.

Walking around the table keeps you from rushing the first shot, and encourages you to consider all six pockets for shot selection.

Planning a runout when the table is congested requires good shot selection. Different angles give you a fresh perspective and offer choices. At the very least, you’ll confirm if your initial runout strategy is sound.

When the table is congested, walk around it to see more options!

Helpful Videos for Dealing with Table Congestion

Combo Shots

Carom Shots

Choosing Stripes or Stripes After the Break

Choosing Key Balls in Billiards

Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of the his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at