BEWARE! INJURED PLAYER - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.


“I think I played well because I wasn’t feeling so good.”
-Helena Thornfeldt

Players who are injured or feeling under the weather are dangerous because they often play with a different attitude. The pressure is off and they’re not as concerned with results. In some cases, they’re happy just to be there!

Don’t be fooled. They can get in stroke fast because they are relaxed and not attached to outcomes. A few good shots and they’re free–stroking!

Because they are playing with a minimum of effort, they spend less energy on future outcomes and are more focused on the present—the perfect medicine to play well!

You’ll rarely see an injured or sick player getting angry. They tend to be less attached to their emotions and that allows them to play in a less intense, yet focused manner.

This phenomenon is fairly common and most likely a result of a relaxed mind and a lack of pressure. It might not be totally logical, but stay alert. These players can shoot lights out and leave you asking “What just happened?”

When you draw a player who appears in poor health, bear down and play hard. Don’t expect them to quit and roll over. End it as soon as possible!

If you get too close to an injured lion, he can still bite your head off.

Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at