TAKE A BREAK - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.


“It’s essential…to have other activities to maintain a balance.”
-Aileen Pippin

Balance is a tricky thing. Playing at a high level requires regular play. Pool is almost impossible to master playing once a week. However, if you swing the pendulum toward playing six hours every day with no other interests, it sets you up for a burn out.

You’ll know you’re about to burn out when you start feeling obligated to play, and lack any enthusiasm. These are signs you need some time away from pool. It could be a few days or a few months. It’s common to meet players who have given it up for several years, eventually finding their way back with renewed interest.

Taking a break offers you a chance to step back and get a bird’s eye view. It enriches your life in other areas and allows new perspectives to take shape. When you return, your mind is fresh and new ideas spring forth. Patterns and approaches that you may have overlooked in the past are more readily apparent.

Many players experience a burst of improvement after a break. Albert Einstein once commented, “Why is it that I always get my best ideas while shaving?” You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know he was rested and relaxed. Take a break. Stay fresh!

Avoid burn out, take a break when necessary.

Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at http://bebobpublishing.com/