POCKET SPEED - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.


“Hit the ball slow and watch the pocket grow.”
-Buddy Hall

Pocket speed is for the stroke needed for the object ball to just get to the back of the pocket. Balls hit with this speed have the best chance to drop. That’s why top players hit shots with a medium soft speed whenever possible. It makes the pocket play bigger.

When you hit the object ball hard, it will slide a little before the table friction forces it to roll forward. Hit the same ball a little softer and it starts rolling almost immediately.

Whenever a ball reaches a pocket rolling at a medium soft speed, it has a better chance of dropping. It is less likely to jaw or kick back out.

In fact, a rolling ball cut down the rail with just enough speed to reach the corner will usually drop even if it hits the rail a foot above the pocket. You have to love a margin of error that big!

Here’s something else to consider when shooting a ball down the rail to the corner pocket. If the object ball has to slip past the side pocket, there’s a good chance it could catch one of the side pocket tips. To avoid this, visualize the side pocket about a foot further down the rail.

It’s visual trickery, but along with pocket speed, it will help you pocket more balls.

Shoot with finesse. Pocket speed makes more balls!

Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at http://bebobpublishing.com/