Leave the Herd - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, Author of "Build Your Game"

Leave the Herd

“…there’s always someone who’s working just a little harder.”

-Larry Bird

ONE STEP is all it takes to separate yourself from the herd. A small mental edge or a proficiency in cutting a ball down the rail could make the difference. Every advancement you make adds up to winning more games.

No matter what your current skill level is, you can always learn something new. Knowledge is power and can win games even when the situation looks hopeless.

Continually revisit your weak areas and find ways to strengthen them. If you often miss straight–in shots, your stroke mechanics are faulty.

If you blow a four ball run with ball–in–hand and end up with a tough shot on the nine, work on your pattern play.

Stand out from the crowd by developing a good attitude. Managing mistakes positively translates to a clear mind and better decision making. It also shows your opponent that you are mentally tough.

Take a look at what you’re doing. Is there anything you could change to move forward? If you continue to investigate new shots and techniques, you will improve. Work hard, keep an open mind, and learn. Be a person without limitations.

Find a way to separate yourself from the herd.

Love our Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at http://bebobpublishing.com/