THE BACKSWING PAUSE - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.


“…the pause introduces the next our quest for victory.”
-Allison Fisher

Many champions put a slight pause between the last backswing and the final stroke forward. It’s a technique that is used to insure a smooth transition between the two

The pause does three things. It provides the eyes with a last minute aiming check where you can focus on the precise point of contact. It also insures a smooth transition by preventing you from rushing into the final stroke. Lastly, it facilitates accelerating the cue stick through the cue ball from a stopped position.

All of these factors develop consistency and contribute to a reliable stroke. Without the pause, novice players often pull back too fast and jab forward quickly. This type of stroke creates a jerky motion that does not lend itself to stroke consistency.

Some players use the pause differently. They pause with the cue tip near the cue ball before they take the final backswing. These players prefer to combine the last backswing and forward stroke into one fluid movement.

Experiment with the pause to see which style works best for you. Develop one that keeps your muscles relaxed and produces a smooth and natural rhythm.

Experiment with the pause. Use it to develop a smooth transition.

Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at