OVER THINKING - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.

Over Thinking

“I don't think about things a long time. The more you look, the more you doubt”

-Kelly Fischer

Pool is a game of rhythm and rhythm is one of the chief key components in high-leve athletic performances. Feeling rhythm and executing well are often linked to the right side of the brain, while language skills and reasoning are linked to the left side of the brain.

Once you start over thinking a shot, rhythm disappears faster than beer at an Irish pub.

Players who rely heavily on conscious thinking rarely get in stroke. The intuitive right brain shuts down, and they find it hard to trust their instincts. They don't get in the zone because they are too busy trying to control everything.

You can stay away from this trap by playing at your natural pace and rhythm. Use your head to analyze the table in a thorough manner, without haste or hesitation. Once you commit to a shot, however, no further thought is required.

All that is required is to set your body to the shot and get down and shoot, using your normal number of practice strokes to refine and confirm your aim and stroke.

Often your first impulse on how to handle the layout is the best option. Once you decide on a shot, commit to it completely, trust your stroke and accept the results.

Love our Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at http://bebobpublishing.com/