NERVES - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.


“The key is to keep breathing, don't let the adrenaline get out of hand.”

-Allison Fisher

Everyone gets nervous at sometime or another. If you play competitively, it comes with the territory. It’s a sign that what you are doing actually matters. You have practiced long and hard, so of course it counts!

Being nervous is a natural phenomenon, but it needs to be managed or it can get out of hand. Hasn’t every pool player missed a money ball once or twice?

Whenever you sense you’re losing it, you need to take action. When you feel unsure about pulling the trigger, get up and take a deep breath. Do not rush the shot!

Breathing slowly and deeply quiets the mind, calms the body, and sends blood and oxygen to the brain. A well–fed brain makes good decisions and stays focused.

If the rules allow it, consider taking a break. Splash some water on your face or step outside to get some fresh air. Have a conversation with yourself like, “Hey, I’ve worked hard and I belong in the finals.” It is imperative to keep your inner dialogue positive.

Return to the table with positive body language and a clear image of your desired outcome. Shoot your chosen shot with confidence.