MENTAL TOUGHNESS - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game.


“The only way to be the best, is to master the mental game.”
-Troy Frank

Mental toughness is what separates the men from the boys. It’s determined spirit rising up when the situation looks bleak. When the heat is on, champions know it ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings.

They are disciplined, and like a racehorse with blinders on, they keep their focus forward. They don’t allow distractions to interfere with their play.

They make every opportunity count, and if they get an early lead, they’ll close it out quickly. Champions realize that a match can turn on a dime, so they play every shot as if it is the game winner.

Winners don’t get caught up in negative thinking. They leave missed shots behind quickly. They shoot every shot with confidence, knowing that it gives them the best chance of performing at their highest level. It’s the way to win!

It doesn’t matter who they are playing, they are not intimidated. If the great American poet, Henry David Thoreau were still alive he might say, “They march to the beat of their own drum.”

Your pool game will always be confined by your mental game. Develop it and your physical game will skyrocket!

Mental toughness is an attitude, develop it and you’ll win more matches!

Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at